A direct cremation simply involves taking the deceased directly to the crematorium with no formal ceremony.
Loved ones are then free to organise a ceremony or memorial at a time, location and date that suits them.
Our funerals allow you the freedom and flexibility to say goodbye to your loved one in a way that suits you and your family. There are no family or friends present at the cremation and the deceased is cremated in a simple coffin.
There is no viewing in a chapel of rest. There is no traditional funeral service. There is no embalming.
A direct cremation may be cheaper but not at the expense of our care and service to you.
Its perfect for those wishing to remember their loved one in their own way.
Its a way to avoid costs for services that you feel are not appropriate for you and your family.
As most of the paperwork is carried out on-line we can pass on savings in administration to you.

Our Direct Cremation Service to you includes the following:-
Transfer of your loved one, in our private ambulance from a hospital or Coroners mortuary to our funeral home located in Suffolk.
Full care and preparation of your loved one whilst in our care.
The provision of a simple coffin suitable for cremation.
Crematorium fees and Dr’s fees for cremation forms. Transfer of your loved one to a crematorium of our choice. The cremation process is exactly the same as for more traditional services – everyone is cremated individually and the ashes are carefully collected at the end.
All of the above is included in our £1450 charge
What other funeral fees might be applicable?
* Bringing the deceased into our care outside normal office hours or by a third party funeral director – £250.
* We have the same, simple pine coffin design for everyone but please tell us if your loved one is 22 stone or more or very tall (more than 6’6″) as they are likely to require a special order coffin, but we always review each case individually.
Add £300 if a special order coffin is required.
* Return of cremated remains by Courier – £85
* We also have a range of urns, scatter tubes and keepsakes at extra cost which can be found here.
Doucument Downloads
Click here to download the relevent legal documents and guides you will require when you have instructed us.
How To Guide
This is a simlpe PDF guide to filling out the B,C & F forms for Cremation which you will find on the right.
There is also some further information about our service you may find helpful.
B, C & F Forms
These are the legal forms you will need to complete.
To fill out and digitally sign online please email us below and we will send the forms to you